

Interesting post. Whether building your feeds or plugging into existing platforms like Bluesky, this framework could serve as a good starting point.

Today, we’re abnormally jazzed to announce that we’re open-sourcing the custom framework we built to power your dashboard on Tumblr. We call it StreamBuilder, and we’ve been using it for many years.

StreamBuilder has a lot going on. The primary architecture centers around “streams” of content: whether posts from a blog, a list of blogs you’re following, posts using a specific tag, or posts relating to a search. These are separate kinds of streams, which can be mixed together, filtered based on certain criteria, ranked for relevancy or engagement likelihood, and more.

So, what’s included in the box?

  • The full framework library of code that we use today, on Tumblr, to power almost every feed of content you see on the platform.
  • A YAML syntax for composing streams of content, and how to filter, inject, and rank them.
  • Abstractions for programmatically composing, filtering, ranking, injecting, and debugging streams.
  • Abstractions for composing streams together—such as with carousels, for streams-within-streams.
  • An abstraction for cursor-based pagination for complex stream templates.
  • Unit tests covering the public interface for the library and most of the underlying code.

GitHub Repo

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