A few months ago, I started tinkering with Owncast. In that case, I was figuring out how I could use .NET Aspire and Blazor to configure an Owncast server and embed the stream on a website.
Although I didn't go all the way through creating the deployment, doing so with Aspire would've been fairly straightforward.
Since I already have a website, all I care about deploying is the Owncast server.
After spending about an hour on it today, I was able deploy and Owncast server to Azure Container Apps using the virtual network environment setup tutorial.
The hardest part was figuring out that I needed to set up a virtual network in order to publicly expose multiple ports.
Once the server was up and running, configuring OBS was relatively easy as well.
I'll try to put together a more detailed writeup so I remember what I did for next time as well as help others who may be interested in self-hosting their own livestream server.