
Excerpts from the Omega Mart Leadership Ascension Track (LAT)

Meeting the self

  • Make a human pyramid with your high school guidance counselor and middle school crush.

Renouncing the body

  • Contribute 14% of your net worth to Drampcorp.
  • Be nice to 77 dogs.

Understanding nature

  • Learn to suck venom out of a snake bite.
  • Befriend a snake.
  • Interview a rock and ghost write its memoir.
  • Spend a week in the desert, living off the land.

Harmonizing with the essence

  • Buy two cakes. Decorate and dedicate one of the cakes to the other. Stack the cakes. Leave them both on a neighbor's doorstep in a ding-dong-ditch scenario.
  • Swim to a whirlpool and dance within its rotating waves (hint: go with the flow).

Moving beyond

  • Approach a stranger in a coffee shop, have them show you their laptop search history, find the second-most recent country they've searched and move there for 7 months.

Come to peace with the infinite

  • Use an infinity mirror to get ready for a night on the town.

Manifesting the self

  • Take a childhood photo to the top of a mountain. Bury the photo and create a new peak.
  • One day a week, wake at dawn and meditate until sundown.

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