Configure opacity - Manjaro
This article shows how to configure background opacity for the kitty terminal emulator using picom and i3.
By defaut, i3 doesn't support composting. Programs like picom add support for it.
In addition, terminal emulators like kitty are hardware accelerated which means there's opportunities to offload from the CPU and save power.
Install & configure picom
Install picom
sudo pacman -S picom
Move default configuration file to ~/.config/picom/picom.conf
Define opacity rule:
opacity-rule = ["90:class_g = 'kitty'"];
Save changes
Install & configure kitty
Install picom
sudo pacman -S kitty
Move default configuration file to ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
Set background opacity:
background_opacity 0.90
Save changes
Configure i3
Open your i3 configuration and add the following line to it:
exec_always picom
Restart i3.