

Love this article.

Before the web was more commercialized, it was personal...A website was a way to represent yourself and connect to others, a space to tend and call your very own.

The imperfect, handmade character of websites has been sanded away in favor of efficiency, and social media platforms have risen in the stead of amateur sites. Many of us conform to these containers and retreat from expressing our authentic selves publicly...

If the idea of a more handcrafted internet resonates with you, the best way to be part of the movement is simply to make your own website. This may seem intimidating if we expect webpages to be a holistic reflection of ourselves, like a resume, portfolio, or blog. We limit the web as a medium when we expect that a website must fulfill a host of needs, or serve any function at all. A website doesn’t need to be anything but your own.

A more personal web becomes possible once we turn away from our preconceived notions of what a website must be. Let’s use our tools to continuously push at the boundaries of the web. Doing so will create a more creative, expansive environment that allows us to reclaim our agency and reinvigorate our collective understanding of software as an artisanal craft. Instead of concentrating on a few, monolithic sites, what if we visited many, more personalized sites? We should explore the far reaches of the web and invite our friends to join in: After all, we make the internet, and only we can build the web we want.

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